Thursday, December 8, 2016

The different custom about New year

                As far as I am concerned, new year is the happiest holiday in the world. All people will take a break during this time, people gathered together with their families, they celebrated the new years and pray to have a new life in the next year. In different countries, people celebrate the new year in different type. For example, Chinese people always set off firecrackers to celebrate. For the United States, people always go to the plaza or church. People all feel eudemonic in that day. Now, I want to talk about some examples about the different custom about New year in different counties. 
                Firstly, I want to talk about the United Kingdom. There are three interesting customs that I want to mention. On the one hand, most of the people in the United Kingdom choose to eat the meat and drink the wine in that day when the family gathered. Also, this is a traditional, because the people in the United Kingdom think if the people do that, that means they have the good living conditions or have enough food to live in the next year. Drinking wine or eating meat is representing to have a good year. On the other hand, the people in the United Kingdom are scrambling to fetch a pair of water, because there is saying in there, the first people who get the water can get happiness in the next whole year. As far as I am concerned, it is so interesting. The last point I want to mention in the United Kingdom is that the people always do not knock the door, and just go into the relatives and friend’s home directly with food. According to the custom, after the eve of the New year, the first people enter the owner’s house has a black hair, that means happiness to the owner; if the people go with a light color hair, that means sadness. The different people come represent different meanings to the owners. 
                Another example is about Scotland. In the eve of the New year’s day, people always put some cash and some jewelry in front of their door way. When they open the door on the New year’s day, they will see the money or jewelry, that means they will be rich in the next year.  I think this custom is funny, so I searched the internet if the thief or a bad person will steal the money in that day? The internet said no. I think it is so novelty. If I have the opportunity in the future, maybe I will go there to spend the New year. 
                For the event for me to promote awareness about the topic, I will introduce the event first.  I think my topic it is very easy to promote, I will gather the different countries’ people together, and then, let them to talking about how they spend and celebrate the New year. It is better for them to talk about the experience, the happiest thing happened during the New year, to let the other people have a deeper impression. For example, in our class, the students are from different countries, like the native speaker, Korean, Chinese, Mexican, the people must have the different type of the custom. If we hold this activity, it will be funny and also can help people have the awareness about the custom in other countries. 
                For the last two event I have gone this before, first is the Opera Gala, second is the event which named the history of Iowa located in downtown. Actually, I do not think it is beneficial or have the influence to my event. Because for the first event, Opera Gala, it is about the classical music, although I really enjoy listening to music, even I listen the music everywhere, I do not think it is beneficial to my event.  My topic is about New year’s custom; my event is let people gathered together to talk about the experiences about New year. There is no more relation between each other. For the second event, it is the history of the Iowa city, the purpose is to let the people have more awareness about the history of Iowa, there was a women introduced. As far as I am concerned, I think there is a little common between that event and my event. Although they are different topic, but both of their topic are going to introduce something to the people.  That event I have gone wants to introduce the history of Iowa city, I want to introduce the different country’s New year to the other people. Maybe it is better for me to learn some skills or some good methods of introduce from the women who presided over the second event for us. 

                In conclusion, the reason why I choose this topic is because I want to broaden my horizons through find the materials, also, the topic is very funny. I think it is very necessary for each one to know some knowledge about the different customs. If you have the opportunities to go other countries, knowing more custom it is helpful a lot to you, like do not make so many mistakes and so on. Also, less than 20 days is the Christmas day, I think if we think about the happiness thing, it can make us relax during the final weeks. 

Table manners in different country

In the modern social life, with the improvement of people’s living standard and different countries promotion of friendship, people from all over the world have more and more opportunity to communicate and contact with other country’s people. You know the common majority of communication forms are having the meal with each other, through the dinner time, you can talk or do something you want. Knowing the table manner is becoming a crucial point if you take the food with the foreigner people. If you do not pay attention to the etiquette of dinner, it is easily for you to offend others accidentally. I am going to tell some table manners in different countries, like which kind of things you need to do or something you must not to do. I hope it is useful for you. 
Firstly, I want to analyze Japanese table manners in different ways. In Japan, if you attend the dinner which you need to have a drink, you need drink in a toast to wait a minute before drinking. Also, there will be a person help you to pour, and some people will say a few word to take the lead, and then toast and said “cheers”; Maybe you have already experienced that, if you go to a Japanese restaurant, the waiter or waitress will give you a piece of moist wet tissue, before you eat, it is better for you to use this tissue to clean your hand, and fold it on the table side carefully. You are not allowed to use this tissue as napkins to wash your mouse, and also, you cannot use it to wipe your face. The last point is my favorite point in Japan, because it is interesting, that is if you make noise, like “tut” when you are eating noodles or drink the soup, it is an expression to tell the chef or the people who make the noodles you eat very fragrant, it tastes very good, the louder the better. Slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef! I remembered, last year I went to Japan and ordered a ramen in the restaurant, the ramen tastes very good and I really enjoy the meal, so I eat the food loudly, the chef looks very happy. 
Secondly, I am going to talk about the table manners in China. If you are in a dinner party, like the family party or company party. It is not allowed and rude for young people to move the chopsticks to eat before the older people. You need wait until the older people eat first.  This means it is a kind of respect to them. At the same time, when you toast with the old people or the leadership, the toast position requirements for you is stand up and make a bow, also, at the same time, you need use both of your hand to toast, and your own wine glass must under(lower) the leader or the older people’s wine glass. It is a traditional in China. Next point it is rude if you do not eat all of the food what you are given by the owners, because if you do not eat all of that, the owner will think you are not satisfied with the meal, it is a way of unrespect. Last point of Chinese table manner is the most important manner, that is do not stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice!!! If you do that, some traditional people will get mad and crazy about of it. What will you image if you put the chopsticks in the rice?  Do you think put the chopsticks in the rice looks like burn joss sticks to the death people? It is really impolite, don’t do that!!!!!Not only for China, but also includes many Asian countries. 
Thirdly, I am going to talk the manners about France, For the first point in France, do not split the bill, if you do that the people will think you are stingy and will get confused of you. It is better for you to pay all of the bill or if you do not want to pay, others will offer to pay the bill. Please remember do not split the bill.  Another point is if you need delay the date with others, it can be forgiven to let others wait for you for 15 minutes. It is impolite if you let others wait for you for more than 15 minutes long. Second point is that not like America and China, you can eat the bread directly by hand, in France, you must use the folk or knives. Bread it not the appetizer in France, bread is the tool that helps you get the food onto the folk. Also, bread can only be put on the table cloth, most of the people will not put the bread on the dish. 

In conclusion, in the daily life, table manners are existing in anywhere, in addition to the daily life, it also happens in the business etiquette and working position, it is usually that the people always sign the contract during the dinner time. As far as I am concerned, eating is not only the physiological needs, it is also important in the social experiences. Understand the different country’s table manners can help you to prevent to offend others, this is definitely a necessary to study. Learning how to do as the Romans do, this is important for you to learn. The reason why I choose table dinner to talk about is because for me, if I want to date with someone, the first choice for me is to have the meal. I think communication occasions is to have the meal, not see the movie or so on.